Center Management System

February 16, 2025

AIM4A CMS - Help & FAQ

CMS Tutorial

Q808071. When new student joins how to GRADE placement test and UPLOAD scores and add a PLAN?
A. When student joins they take an assessment or placement test of their grade level. The answers are available under teacher resources when teacher logs in CMS. There are 5 tests per grade. Each test is testing on 2 or 3 topics of the curriculum/grade. In each test there are 10 questions with exception for Reading comprehension with 6 questions. You may grade as 5/10, 6/10, 10/10 or 60%, 50% or 100%
To upload scores:
1) Go to student dashboard
2) Click on "Progress", you will find an empty text box and html format to copy past for Math or English.
3) For Math copy paste the html(for math) and fill in the curriculum tested and the 5 test scores.
4) For English copy paste the html(for English) and fill in the test scores for vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing sections.
For writing you may grade for organization, check for 5 paragraph essay for high school, counter arguments, spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation rules etc
Ideas/content: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10
5) Plan: The next step is analyzing the test scores and writing a plan. If the student scored 80% or above in any test then the teacher may skip that sections pertaining to the test. If the student scored less, then they repeat the topics. Since it is multiple choice questions and students might guess work and get correct answer, the teachers can repeat some topic or worksheets. To skip the topic go to the curriculum plan for the student and select the skip button and SUBMIT. Only when you submit the changes are saved for the student.
The curriculum plan is all set for the student and the system will sequentially print worksheets when you do a print request.

Q808072. How to grade the worksheets?
A. The answers to the worksheets(except wizmath) are available to the teachers under teacher resources when teacher logs in CMS. Some worksheets like wiz math are computer generated worksheets, that are randomly generated by the computer, so the answers are not in order.
The answers are also available for the parents when they login to their students dashboard. The placement tests are graded 100%. All other worksheets the teacher can randomly select worksheets and grade making sure the student understands the concepts and is doing the directions.

Q808073. How to do a print request from the CMS?
1) Login to CMS
2) Go to the class dashboard
3) click on "select and print new set of worksheet"
4) CMS will select the worksheets for each student based on the plan - This may take a few seconds.
5) Review the selected worksheets and see if they are what you planned for.
6) If there are any errors, go back to class dashboard and make any changes to curriculum plan.
7) If the selected worksheets are ok, click the "SUBMIT" button to create worksheet set.
8) CMS will open a new window and show all the worksheets. This worksheet set will also be available in the print log for later printing.
9) Go to the class dashboard and request printing by selecting print log. "Print log" is a 1 page summary of worksheets on a particular date.
10) Click on "Request printing" that sends an email to center manager for printing. The system also sends a copy to your email to confirm that you sent.

Q808072. How to upload the review test or topic test scores into CMS?
A. Each grade level curriculum has several topics. Some topics have tests/review worksheet at the end of the topic.
1) Login to CMS
2) Go to the class dashboard
3) Go to the students dashboard
4) Click on the "Plan Curriculum" which open another window.
5) Scroll down the topic and add the scores 4/10 or 40% in the topic notes area at the start of the topic.
6) The teacher can also put any comments about the student that the parents need to know.
7) Click "Submit" at the end so the changes take into effect.

Q808081. What happens if a student is in two classes and doing the same curriculum?
A. If a student is doing the same curriculum in two different classes, the chapter level plan and progress will be common to both the classes. However, the topic level plan will be unique to each class. This feature allows the student to work on two different topics in the two classes.

Q808082. What happens if a student moves from one class to another and continues with the same curriculum?
A. If a student moves from one class to another, the chapter level plan and progress will be copied to the new class. However, the topic level plan and progress from the previous class will not be available in the new class. Therefore, the tutor should redo the topic level plan in the class. Also see Q808081.

Q807231. What if I have printed worksheets already? How do I mark it skip/completed?
A. Here is how you do it:

  • Go to class dashboard
  • Find the student in the "Students in the Class" list
  • Click on the "Plan Curriculum" for the student
  • When the Curriculum Plan for the student opens, find the chapter of interest
  • Mark it as completed in the Plan column
  • You may also add any chapter specific notes in the Notes column.
  • Go to the end of the "Plan Curriculum" page and "Submit"
  • The system will then process your plan for the student
Q807232. Should I be writing student scores in the note section?
A. Notes section is for any information that you want to capture for the student. This information may be visible to the student/parent through reports. In general, tutors are not expected to grade each worksheet (unless they are part of a test), so you ae not expected to record scores for each chapter. However, if you have some important information specific to a chapter (e.g., the student understood or had difficulty understanding the concept; did not complete the homework, etc.), you may want to capture it there.

Q807233. Once I've finished entering and submitting student information, do I just close that window or is there an individual logout for each student?
A. You may just close the window or refresh the page to see the updated Curriculum Plan for the student. You don't need to logout after planning for each student.

Q807234. On the active students list, when it says chapter rate, is that how many worksheets it will print at a time?
A. That is correct. You can increase or decrease the number of worksheets you print for a student using this feature.

Q807235. How do I change students' curriculums? For example, a student has just completed the Grade 2 English curriculum and will begin Grade 3. How do I change that in CMS?
A. Currently, only the Center Manager can change the curriculum of a student and assign students to new classes/curriculums. When a student completes a curriculum, please send an email to the center manager with the student's new curriculum information.

Q807236. One of my students attends my class only occasionally. Should I still add him to CMS?
A. Yes, if you want to print worksheets for him. CMS helps you keep track of the progress of all the students even those who don't attend all the classes. If you don't need worksheets for a student, just make him inactive; and when you need the worksheets again, make him active again!

Q807238. How can we undo Next Up chapters for any students?
A. You can undo Next Up chapters for any students by marking them Complete and CMS won't print them.

Q807239. What should I do if the printlog does not show up after clicking 'Select and Print' worksheets for all students in a class?
A. If the print log is missing on a particular day, just print 1 more worksheet for any of the students in the class (the option below the active student's name). By selecting one worksheet for any one student the same day and clicking submit button will show up the previous printlog with all the workhseets plus one extra worksheet.

Q807300. I am still getting duplicate copies for my students who come for the same subjects two separate times a week. I have been very careful about making sure they have 0 recorded in the other day request but still have two of the exact same worksheet requests.
A. Regarding students who are coming on 2 days for the same curriculum, you will get duplicate worksheets only if you create print logs for the two classes on the same day. If you are creating print logs for both Monday and Thursday classes on the same day, just move the students who are in both the classes to "Inactive" status in one of the classes so they won't get worksheets twice.